11 12 welcome  
21 22
The Libran thought process
Musings from the edge

Thursday, January 09, 2014
Okay, this has been, literally, forever but I feel that I want to start writing again.  I realized when I did a facebook note tonight, that I still have the ability to write and want to do so.  Look forward to hearing from me about life in general.

I looked at my last post and seriously, a LOT has happened since then. Babies, marriages, job changes, travel.  It just becomes a matter of where I start.

This may not ever be read by anyone but me but it will be an online journal of all things Karen and Family.
posted by Karen at 11:07 PM [#]

Thursday, August 18, 2005
posted by Karen at 1:35 PM [#]

Sunday, August 14, 2005
Well, still no babies.. Leanne and Joanna are both due any time but no visits from the stork as yet. Thank you to everyone who came to Joanna's baby shower. There were a couple of people that I have not seen is so long and it was great to see them again. All in all it was a success. I know that Joanna has posted some pics on her site, but I will add some to mine as well. Speaking of sites, I am going to give the MSN spaces a shot... I was looking at it and it appears to be much better as far as uploading pictures. That's my main reason for trying it... I will link to it in this blog and I have linked back to this one from there. I don't want to give up this blog, there has been too much time and energy spent in keeping it and sometimes it's kind of nice to be able to look back and see what you wrote... Does anyone know, by the way, how much space you are allocated on the MSN spaces sites (for pictures etc)? I have to believe there's a limit, just not sure how much. In the meantime, what's new?

Joanna and I went to a "Stampin It Up" party with my adopted daughter and my favourite teacher in training (I have to say that I do like the anagram Anneleike - I wanted to use it for the link to your site from mine! lol) . Fun was had by all (except Joanna who could not seem to grasp the mechanics of doublesided tape) . We made cards and it was fun but the whole concept reminded me of Barbies. When you were little, you couldn't just have "a" Barbie. Your entire social acceptance revolved around "the accessories". Stamping, from what I've seen, is much the same... You can't just have a set of stamps and a stamp pad... the number of accessories (ink pads, stamps, eyelets, ribbons - oh, and the Barbie Corvette of Stamping - the Brayer which is a paint roller from what I saw) rivals Barbie's, Skipper's, Midge's and Ken's wardrobes combined. But far be it from me to judge what makes people happy. These are people that I love so if this is what they want to do, then I'm happy that they are willing to include me, even though I can't ever see myself as a convert. But then again I was the one with "a" Barbie; usually headless courtesy of my brothers. lol

We went out for dinner on Friday night to the Harmony Buffet. I haven't been to a buffet for ages and now remember what it feels like to eat so much that your ribs hurt... Hopefully I will remember next time when I'm going for more food... lol. Anneleike and Taco are leaving at the end of the month so it was her farewell dinner. Sometimes people come into your life and you look upon them as family right away. Anneleike is one of these people to me (as is my adopted daughter) and I wish her nothing but the absolute very best that life has to offer. She deserves it. Sometimes getting back up on your feet and starting over is the scariest thing in the world but when you know you have people behind you, who believe in you and will be there, no matter what life deals you, it can be pretty exciting too. Just remember Anneleike, if small minds are to be molded by anyone, better you than Tim!

Oh, exciting news! I now have an air conditioner, courtesy of Joanna and Ryan. It fits right into the sleeve in my bedroom so sleeping should be a lot more comfortable. I also no longer have a stupid satellite dish but have digital cable with a PVR courtesy of Rogers Cable. The deal was that you traded in the satellite dish (gladly) and got the PVR for 2 years no extra charge... Marco likes it cause I can now PVR Survivor cause I don't watch it and then transfer it to a VHS tape or he can just watch it when he comes over. Still no sofa but I have Ryans futon frame... that will do til I get the orange monster declawed. I just have to pick up a couple of cushions for it. right now it reminds me of sitting on a picnic table.

The tv is still the little 14" screen but the picture is good so that's okay. Things will slowly come together... Rachel is coming home for a week at the end of August, then not til Christmas. OSAP has approved her loan so that's a good thing too.

Well, I think I will go over to the mall and pick up some undershirts for the new baby and then to Pier One... the old one on Wellington is closing August 21, so the cushions for the futon are coming from there... half price on the lowest ticket... not bad.

Talk to you later kids...
posted by Karen at 11:36 AM [#]

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

So, for everyone who asked, this is the theme of the nursery. The horizontal stuff will be bumper pads, the big animals are for the roman blind and the black background stuff will be for the comforter with the green for the reverse. I have the comforter pretty much done, just a few finishing touches and the casing for the bumper pads is also done. By the way, the blue in the elephants is the blue that Joanna was trying to describe as the colour of the walls. Overall, it should turn out quite nicely... not gender specific and not so babyish that it can't stay for a while. Don't have much to say tonight, I've been sewing all evening so I'm kind of tired.
Rachel got approved for OSAP so that's a weight off my mind (and hers I'm sure). I have another, taller bookshelf for the living room but still no couch or new tv. All in good time I guess. My bed is however now off the floor so I feel better about that.
Anyway, that's about it for now, talk to you later kids
posted by Karen at 11:07 PM [#]

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Is it hot enough for ya yet?

Two days, two entries... very strange, I know...

I forgot to mention something in yesterday's blog and it is something very near and dear to my heart. Yesterday was mine and Leroy's 2 year aniversary... Yes, the little orange ball of fur has been a part of the family for 2 whole years and during that time has managed to fracture and dislocate my elbow, learned how to open both the 2 glass doors and the screendoor to enable himself to get out on the balcony and cause numerous heart attacks as he does a tightrope walking act along a 2 inch wide space, 7 floors up. We are no longer able to eat yogurt alone, it is a "sharing" event, baths and showers are now communal and if you close a door, you incite this pathetic crying from the other side of it. He has a vengeful side, whereas if you laugh at him for doing something stupid, like falling off a bed or a chair, he will get even. It may not be now, but when your toes get bit in the middle of the night, think back... Joanna and Leanne - take note, he may just be a cat, but this is really what a 2 year old is like... lol... It all just makes you laugh in the long run and more tolerant as a person... I've always said that you really have no idea of what patience and compromise really are till you have a child (or a cat!) (ps, I love that blogger now lets you put the picture right in the post instead of uploading it to Flikr, especially when you only want to put in one picture...)

Congrats to Anneleike for selling her house, I know it's a huge weight off your mind. To my adopted daughter, who now fits into the Old Navy jeans that she wanted, I am very proud of you, it was hard work but I knew you could do it! And to my real daughter who is slowly (but healthily(sp?) reaching her goals, I am also very proud... There are so many "easier" ways for the two of you to get to where you want to be but you are both doing it the "right" way.

Anyway, that's about it for now... I have to take advantage of internet connection when I can these days (I'm at Marco's right now) cause now I've been told that my phone won't be up til the 19th... we'll see... Stupid Bell technicians and stupid strikes...

Have fun kids, and Leanne, stay in the pool - I know that's where I'll be and I'm not even pregnant....
posted by Karen at 9:39 AM [#]

Friday, July 15, 2005
Is it hot enough for ya?

Well, I haven't blogged for some time now, not much is new. The new apartment is finally coming together, I hope to have a sofa for the end of the month. I'm not sure how long it takes to have one delivered from IKEA but I figured I would give it a shot.... Still no bed frame, but having a box spring and mattress sitting directly on the floor isn't so bad.. not as far to fall if you fall out of bed...

I got a really good deal on a dining room table and chairs - solid wood, 4 highback chairs all have just been refinished in mahogany and all for $100. Not bad... that's what talking to strangers in WalMart will get you...

Now, if Bell techs would just get my phone hooked up, I'd be a happy camper... yes, the cause of some of my lack of blogging is my lack of internet access... no phone, no satellite tv, no internet access... It really hasn't been so bad though, I can check my email at work and I just came in a little early this morning and added to my blog...

Other things are going on but I don't have time to go into them right now... Rachel is now gainfully (?) employed in St. John's. Mininum wage is only $6.25 so I'm not sure the term "gainfully" applies in this case, lol.

Joanna and Ryan and baby to be are settled into my old apartment and all is looking good for them right now...

Other than that, not much happening except this heat wave... I still have no air conditioning, but I do have a pool and I found that we have an exercise room as well, although I'm not sure that anyone has to exercise to work up a sweat these days...
Anyway, off to work I go... Later kids.....
posted by Karen at 8:10 AM [#]

Tuesday, June 28, 2005
"I ate a Moose"
That was the first message from the coast. Yes, Rachel is now in St. John's Newfoundland. Safely, I might add and with luggage intact. She lives across the street from a mall, where they took out the Walmart and the grocery store. Don't they normally put those into the malls? Anyway. All is good with her, there are 2 Tim Hortons within walking distance so employment should be arriving soon. (at least I hope so if she lives across the street from the mall, lol). I have to send her camera to her (which she forgot). She has described the most amazing scenery and I can't wait to see it. I'll post the pics when I get them.

Leroy and I are in our new apartment. It's really hot without air conditioning, but I'm sure it has to cool down someday and in the meantime, there's always the pool. I have all the pictures up and the bedroom set up, but as I have not ordered my furniture from IKEA yet, the living/dining room look a little bare. It's not that I have NO furniture, I have the table and chairs that I brought from the balcony at the old apartment and they serve as my dining/living room. I brought only the small tv/vcr combo because the old tv was really old and I will have to buy a new one anyway. The other furniture I left for Jo and Ryan. It's easier for me to buy more, I don't have a baby on the way.

Joanna had one ultrasound and confirmed that there is only one child in there. Seems she's further along than they have been telling her. Go figure, I think I told her that two months ago. Moms should be doctors... not the kind that deliver the baby, but the ones who can tell you what you can and can't do (like tie your shoes at 7 months) and what is normal (like getting no sleep cause the baby won't stop kicking) and then they can laugh at you cause you think this is the worst that it's going to get! She goes tomorrow for another ultrasound.

She has made the old apartment her own, moving all the baby furniture that Ryan's mom and I got for her into what will be the baby's room. The picture that she had on her blog doesn't do justice to the blue that is in that room. It's a calming blue. That should help for both her and the baby.

Marco got the HR Internship position at Teletech so I'm not sure what his schedule will be like. Probably office hours for the 50% of the time in HR and god only knows what for the 50% of the time that he spends on Motive. Either way, it will give us a few weekends to be able to do stuff... If this heat stays for the summer, my vote is the beach!

Other than that, things are good and the universe is revolving as it should. I guess I should get back to work now... later kids.....
posted by Karen at 1:07 PM [#]


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