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The Libran thought process
Musings from the edge

Thursday, March 24, 2005
Okay, so is this some type of joke? Enough with the stupid snow already!!!

Let's see, the race.... I'm glad the mother/son are gone. He was really starting to get on my nerves. I have a real problem with people who talk down to other people, and just because it's your family it doesn't make it alright. Personally, I really didn't see what he was getting all bent out of shape about. I didn't think that she did anything wrong.

Hats off to Joyce, who fell off the horse twice and still managed to get back on without whining and get through the task. I can't help but think of Aaron or Kendra trying to complete this one. One would have been hyperventalating (did we ever actually see her do that) and the other would have been complaining that the horse was too dirty.

I am amazed at Merideth and Gretchen for still being in it despite seeming to get lost on every leg. I'm sure their time will come but for now, someone up there is looking out for them.

A message for Ray - stop treating Deanna like she's five and maybe, just maybe you will get out of the position that "is not acceptable" to you. I figure if you aren't in last you're still okay.

Alex and Lynn - no comment this leg...

and Rob/Amber.... what can I say. I have accepted that Rob will do whatever it takes to win, whether it be lie, cheat or steal - that's how he sees the game should be played.... I'm surprised that he didn't bribe the man in the raincoat to not give the others their clues. It's Amber that is now the one who makes me crazy. She is the quintessential barbie doll. Yes Rob, you're so wonderful Rob. I don't think she has a thought in that little head of hers let alone a plan. It would be nice to see her make some sort of contribution, although maybe Rob has laid down the law for the race "You have your million, it's my turn". Makes me wonder how she ever won Survivor although I was told that it was only the alliances that got her to where it mattered (I don't watch the show).

Next week is a two parter so no one will go at the end of the first half... I predict that somehow Rob and Amber are in last at that point...

And now I am off to make egg salad...

Later folks... Hoppy Easter if I don't talk to you before then...
posted by Karen at 12:16 AM [#]


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