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The Libran thought process
Musings from the edge

Monday, June 14, 2004
Good Morning Monday! Not many people like mornings, let alone Monday mornings, but I do. Mostly because Monday is my day off and I've always loved mornings. It's like a whole new start, unless you're the kind of person who wakes up worrying about everything I guess. I don't. Enough time to do that later in the day.

So, it's been a week since I last posted. I guess I've sort of been lazy, but mostly I've worked every day so there really wasn't much to say. I've decided to make this a work free zone so I've been limited in what I want to write, but there have been a few things.

I walk to and from work most days, about 45 minutes either way and the morning walks are probably one of the reasons that I like mornings so much. It's only 7am so most of the world is still eating their breakfast, there aren't many cars on the road and nature is still in sight. I keep a notebook with me so that if there is something that crosses my mind while I walk, I can add it to here when I have a chance. Tuesday I worked at 6am so I had to leave at 5am. I was walking, looking for frequently seen rabbits, cats and squirrels when it dawned on me that it was garbage day in this particular neighborhood and maybe it would be wiser to watch for skunks. None seen but I remember that when I had the shift that ended at 2 or 3am, there were a lot of them in North London.

What I did see, however, one morning as I walked by the river was this huge turtle. He was probably 15 to 18 inches across the shell! So of course, here I stand in the park, talking to a turtle, asking how his day was going and what he was doing up in the park so far from the river. I'm sure that if anyone went by, they would have wondered what the heck I was doing. But I don't care. I'm no Dr. Doolittle, but I talk to animals all the time and not just the domesticated ones.

New subject: Eyebrow threading? From what I understand, someone ties thread around each hair in your eyebrow that you want plucked and in one fell swoop (or pull as the case may be)rips out only the hairs you want out to give you the perfect eyebrows. Okay, couple of questions here. Is there a number chart that they go by? Instead of "take a little off the ends" it would be "Okay, I need numbers 19, 25 and 37 pulled. They're just a little unruly. Oh yeah and number 42 is going gray, could you do that one too?" and do both the puller and the pullee both work off the same number chart? You'd really be screwed if an updated chart came out and you were still working off the old one! Nah, I'll stick to good old fashioned plucking - no chart. Yes, it hurts like hell, but then again don't most things that people do to make themselves more attractive? So far, self tanning is the only thing I've found that is pain free.

The 24 hour relay was on the weekend. Proud to say that I stayed completely in control this year! Never even spilled one of my coolers (with the help of the (yeah teletech for teaching me about) spill proof cup! The weather was good, very sunny all day Saturday, cooled off somewhat during the night and warmed up again on Sunday Morning. I have some pictures that I will post when I get them developed. I prefer a disposable camera for functions such as these where alcohol is involved. Much less paranoia. A lot of people came by the tent even if they didn't do a lap and I got to see a couple of people that I haven't seen in a while. Yes there were people who (what's the past tense of partake?) partook of a little, okay a lot, more alcohol than their bodies could handle without becoming stupid and irresponsible and to those people I say: "I've been there and believe me, the crap you did and said last night doesn't disappear no matter how long you sleep the next day. lol" But my place is not to judge or gossip, just to be thankful that this time it's not me. I think the closest comparison that I can think of is that the 24 hour relay is like this big office Christmas party where people drink too much in front of the people they work with, do stupid things that they would never do sober and try to spend the rest of the year either living it down or hoping that someone else does something stupid and takes the heat off them.

There are things to take away though, shared things between the participants, like the tent who set up their own dance floor - actually it was more like studio 54 with 80s music, cheering on the army "dudes" as they ran by with their rucksacks and the Glass Tiger concert where Lorrie maintains that she was getting hit on by a 45 year old in pajama pants (ok, he was Alan Frew and the pajama pants were actually the pants from a very bad suit, to which he took off the jacket thank God). The concert was great, although I'm sure most of the men in the audience were more interested in the statuesque blonde singing backup. Her name by the way guys is Taylor Jordan. I can't think of whom she reminds me of, but she looks like someone very familiar. I'll have to think on that. Either way, to sum it up, the concert was good, the relay was good and for the most part, I don't think a whole lot of people had anything to sleep off on Sunday. Not that they didn't want to sleep, mind you...

So for now, I have to stop typing and go and do something to make my day off useful but before I do, I thought I would leave you with a link. I am very interested in astrology and how it affects us. I was talking to Mindy about this the other day when she said she gets backaches a lot. I knew immediately that she was a Libra because that is one of the parts of the body that the sign governs. I thought I would leave you a link where you can look up your own sign and see what it says. http://www.astrology-online.com/persn.htm Pick your sign and see if it's you they're describing.

See ya!

posted by Karen at 9:56 AM [#]


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