The Libran thought process
Musings from the edge
Monday, August 02, 2004
Wow, I haven't written in a long time! Let's see, what's new? Well, Rachel will now be working at Timmy's so I will be able to say hi to her before I go to work (when I stop in for a coffee). She wants to work over nights cause she's up all night anyway. Makes sense to me, but I think Leroy may have issues with it. He doesn't like anyone out all night.
I was going to put his picture here, but I haven't figured out how as yet. Joanna is now working at the University and at Best Buy so that makes two children gainfully employed. Hey, it keeps them off the street - um at least until they are finished work. I have successfully installed a 40G hard drive on my computer (the reason that it took so long for me to write anything). It was not without it's share of challenges, but hey I'm nothing if not persistant. No stupid piece of hardware is going to get the best of me! So now I have installed Office 2003 with all the bells and whistles as well as we now have one complete hard drive (4G) reserved simply for Roller Coaster Tycoon and Sims. RCT is up to Corkscrew Follies, so if anyone out there has any other expansion packs, I would love to burn a copy so that the fun can further ensue... Sims; we have a lot of the expansion packs, but need the original so that we can load them. Dana is going to loan me hers and all the other ones that I don't have. And the addiction continues.... Today is the last day of the balloon fest... I can't believe it's August already. I'm going to go and take some pictures of the launch tonight and then I can't resist waiting around to see the BEACH BOYS!!!! Oops, just checked. The Beach Boys are on before the 6:30pm launch. I'll have to make sure that I get there in time. It is a beautiful day, a change for one of my days off, so I want to spend some time outside, and what better place than the Rib Fest or the Balloon Fest. Well, that's about it for now kids, I put more in later. |