The Libran thought process
Musings from the edge
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
"I ate a Moose"
That was the first message from the coast. Yes, Rachel is now in St. John's Newfoundland. Safely, I might add and with luggage intact. She lives across the street from a mall, where they took out the Walmart and the grocery store. Don't they normally put those into the malls? Anyway. All is good with her, there are 2 Tim Hortons within walking distance so employment should be arriving soon. (at least I hope so if she lives across the street from the mall, lol). I have to send her camera to her (which she forgot). She has described the most amazing scenery and I can't wait to see it. I'll post the pics when I get them. Leroy and I are in our new apartment. It's really hot without air conditioning, but I'm sure it has to cool down someday and in the meantime, there's always the pool. I have all the pictures up and the bedroom set up, but as I have not ordered my furniture from IKEA yet, the living/dining room look a little bare. It's not that I have NO furniture, I have the table and chairs that I brought from the balcony at the old apartment and they serve as my dining/living room. I brought only the small tv/vcr combo because the old tv was really old and I will have to buy a new one anyway. The other furniture I left for Jo and Ryan. It's easier for me to buy more, I don't have a baby on the way. Joanna had one ultrasound and confirmed that there is only one child in there. Seems she's further along than they have been telling her. Go figure, I think I told her that two months ago. Moms should be doctors... not the kind that deliver the baby, but the ones who can tell you what you can and can't do (like tie your shoes at 7 months) and what is normal (like getting no sleep cause the baby won't stop kicking) and then they can laugh at you cause you think this is the worst that it's going to get! She goes tomorrow for another ultrasound. She has made the old apartment her own, moving all the baby furniture that Ryan's mom and I got for her into what will be the baby's room. The picture that she had on her blog doesn't do justice to the blue that is in that room. It's a calming blue. That should help for both her and the baby. Marco got the HR Internship position at Teletech so I'm not sure what his schedule will be like. Probably office hours for the 50% of the time in HR and god only knows what for the 50% of the time that he spends on Motive. Either way, it will give us a few weekends to be able to do stuff... If this heat stays for the summer, my vote is the beach! Other than that, things are good and the universe is revolving as it should. I guess I should get back to work now... later kids..... |