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The Libran thought process
Musings from the edge

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

So, for everyone who asked, this is the theme of the nursery. The horizontal stuff will be bumper pads, the big animals are for the roman blind and the black background stuff will be for the comforter with the green for the reverse. I have the comforter pretty much done, just a few finishing touches and the casing for the bumper pads is also done. By the way, the blue in the elephants is the blue that Joanna was trying to describe as the colour of the walls. Overall, it should turn out quite nicely... not gender specific and not so babyish that it can't stay for a while. Don't have much to say tonight, I've been sewing all evening so I'm kind of tired.
Rachel got approved for OSAP so that's a weight off my mind (and hers I'm sure). I have another, taller bookshelf for the living room but still no couch or new tv. All in good time I guess. My bed is however now off the floor so I feel better about that.
Anyway, that's about it for now, talk to you later kids
posted by Karen at 11:07 PM [#]


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