The Libran thought process
Musings from the edge
Saturday, April 02, 2005
Pope John Paul II died today at 9:37pm. I am not Catholic, nor am I truly a religious person, yet still I felt true sadness watching the people in St Peter's Square as they each dealt with their loss.
Catholicism is not something that I fully understand or agree with. I don't like to get into discussions normally simply for those reasons. I can debate the parts that I know of but I am sure that there is so much more. I have a problem with a religion that will forgive all if it is confessed before you die, however it is not a forgiving religion in the sense of living your life by your own choices. I believe in a loving god and I believe in the Bible, I just believe that the unconditional love that is preached is not always what is practiced. I guess that if you are a truly committed and practicing Catholic, then you are living within the laws of the Church so it would not matter to you. Maybe part of the fact that I am jaded where this is concerned is that my parents had to get married in my grandmother's living room rather than a church because they both came from failed marriages unless of course they had permission from the Church, which from everything that I have read is not an easy process to go through without reinforcing the feeling of failure that you felt when the first marriage ended. That was okay with them, although I'm sure my grandparents would have liked to see them joined in a church. In a world where people get married too young or for the wrong reasons, my belief is that they deserve a second chance and be accepted, even welcomed, into a church family. Anyway, enough of my personal views and back to the subject of the Pope's passing. This man is truly one of those rare people who have touched almost everyone at some point. I have been watching the biographies on his life and am amazed at the life he has led. And all while wearing his faith for all to see. I may not agree with everything that he stands for, however I cannot help but respect his views and the fact that he has never strayed from those views. Who would have thought that he was an actor or that he played hockey when in school? It's a fact that he was the first Pope to visit a Mosque, the first Pope to travel to other countries and the first Pope truly interested in the youth of the world. He has apologized to pretty much everyone for any injustices inflicted by the Catholics and accepted the blame as his own. In looking at him, in younger years and in more recent pictures, I have always been struck by the gentleness that he has about him and the serenity. It should be interesting to see if the next Pope will continue with the work that John Paul II has started. I doubt that there will be one that will endear himself to the people in the way that John Paul II did. He was a giant among men, but still just a man and as with all mere mortals his time came today when he was taken from this world and welcomed into one where there is no more suffering and existence is eternal. That much I believe to be true. Wednesday, March 30, 2005
Holy Crap, Rogers is slow tonight! "Slower than dial up I tell you!" Oh well, such is life. Hope everyone had a good Easter or long weekend or whatever. Andrea, who I work with, got married on Saturday so I am just glad that it didn't rain. The sun was a nice bonus. Mind you she's in Hawaii right now so she probably doesn't care.
I love this weather. It's so nice to be able to walk on bare sidewalk again, rather than trudge through slush etc. Here's a word of advice to people out there with children and it comes from a story that was told to me about an Easter visit to a family in another city. For those of you who don't have children old enough for this to apply, apply it to yourself. Family comes to visit you, not babysit children while the parents take a break from them. The visits will occur far more often. Not everyone wants to hang out with nieces and nephews. Sometimes there's a reason that people are childless. nuf said. Well, Rachel's plans are set. She leaves June 29th for St. Johns, Nfld. She has a place to stay, a room in a house for the first 2 months. It's in a nice, quiet neighborhood and has a patio and a brook that runs through the back yard. I think I want to move there. In September, she moves into a bachelor apt and hopefully starts school, either College of the North Atlantic or Memorial University. Either way, radiography is the field of choice. Joanna has an interview with Apple (the company, not Gweneths child) on Thursday. She had a phone interview yesterday and they said she was - get this- "delightful". Not a word that I would have expected but not really surprised. It's funny how enthusiastic you can be when it's pretty close to your dream job and anyone who knows Joanna knows that right after Rich, Apple comes first. Keep your fingers crossed. Joanna and Ryan are moving in with me for a while until plans are settled as far as where she is going to work. Right now she's at Best Buy on Wellington. If she gets the job, she may have to move to TO. The other option is a management position at a new Best Buy store that won't be opening til possibly summer. Either way, entering a lease at this time is not the smartest move, so in order to keep the options open this is the smartest and financially soundest idea. And having her and Ryan here will be a nice change. I don't see her all that often now with her work and my work and all. So for a while, it will be her and Rach together and that can prove to be entertaining to say the least. At least I'm used to it. Ryan may go running for the hills though. Oh, by the way, the link on the left that says "links" goes to a photo page. If I ever figure it out, I will change it to say Photos. About my favourite blogs.... KP, what happened to your blog? All of a sudden it's missing a lot of entries. I never get a chance to thank you Mike for all the links. Yours is the one blog that I try to read on my lunch cause there's always something that I can discuss with other people at work and your subjects always make me sound intelligent. :) Mr. Kuiack, I am not sure if you even read this, but if you do and you send me a message, I will send you some cinnamon buns.... Quite the bribe to find out if you're still alive wouldn't you say? I need to know your shift so that I know when to send them. Leanne and Kristine, you guys know that I read yours cause I leave you comments. Leanne, I hope you're feeling better and that the morning (all day) sickness is over. I like your blog cause I never know what I am going to find there. It could be either a pregnancy diary or a sports rant but either one is entertaining. Kristine, soon my dear, soon you will have the new job that you want and it will be better than anything you could have imagined. Until then, school.... It's your real passion anyway. A job at this point is just a way to pay the bills. Once you can find a job in the field you want, one will be there. Have faith. Liz, quite simply, where the heck are you? no sound byte or anything.... and I put something special on my homepage for you.... make sure your speakers are on. For now, I have to go... I will do the race thing tomorrow night. What is an arfadark anyway Rob? Sunday, March 27, 2005