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Musings from the edge

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Is it hot enough for ya yet?

Two days, two entries... very strange, I know...

I forgot to mention something in yesterday's blog and it is something very near and dear to my heart. Yesterday was mine and Leroy's 2 year aniversary... Yes, the little orange ball of fur has been a part of the family for 2 whole years and during that time has managed to fracture and dislocate my elbow, learned how to open both the 2 glass doors and the screendoor to enable himself to get out on the balcony and cause numerous heart attacks as he does a tightrope walking act along a 2 inch wide space, 7 floors up. We are no longer able to eat yogurt alone, it is a "sharing" event, baths and showers are now communal and if you close a door, you incite this pathetic crying from the other side of it. He has a vengeful side, whereas if you laugh at him for doing something stupid, like falling off a bed or a chair, he will get even. It may not be now, but when your toes get bit in the middle of the night, think back... Joanna and Leanne - take note, he may just be a cat, but this is really what a 2 year old is like... lol... It all just makes you laugh in the long run and more tolerant as a person... I've always said that you really have no idea of what patience and compromise really are till you have a child (or a cat!) (ps, I love that blogger now lets you put the picture right in the post instead of uploading it to Flikr, especially when you only want to put in one picture...)

Congrats to Anneleike for selling her house, I know it's a huge weight off your mind. To my adopted daughter, who now fits into the Old Navy jeans that she wanted, I am very proud of you, it was hard work but I knew you could do it! And to my real daughter who is slowly (but healthily(sp?) reaching her goals, I am also very proud... There are so many "easier" ways for the two of you to get to where you want to be but you are both doing it the "right" way.

Anyway, that's about it for now... I have to take advantage of internet connection when I can these days (I'm at Marco's right now) cause now I've been told that my phone won't be up til the 19th... we'll see... Stupid Bell technicians and stupid strikes...

Have fun kids, and Leanne, stay in the pool - I know that's where I'll be and I'm not even pregnant....
posted by Karen at 9:39 AM [#]


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