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Tuesday, May 10, 2005
Hurray! Uchenna and Joyce won the Amazing Race! It was a good finish. Rob and Amber finished 2nd and Ron and Kelly were third. It wasn't as close as last one though, I don't think. Uchenna and Joyce were the best team as far as being able to deal with the pressure. Sure, Joyce had her weak moments, like when they had to beg for money in the airport, but neither of them took out any frustration on the other. Uchenna was supportive of Joyce when she had all her hair cut off and again at the airport when she was crying and she was encouraging and never criticized any of his decisions. They seemed to appreciate everything and every culture they encountered without losing their humanity and compassion. They were, after all, the first ones to offer help to Merideth and Gretchen after the first non elimination leg by offering them clothes even though they would be miles too big. After watching them in the race together, I found it hard to believe when Uchenna said last night that they have fought a lot over the last couple of years and had begun to consider solutions in which they would no longer be married. I think if nothing else, this experience has solidified their commitment to each other and their faith in the fact that they are indeed a team. Financial problems such as the ones they have had can break the strongest bonds and it's just nice to see that when the chips were down, the could rely on each other and it paid off in more ways than the financial windfall that they received. I think this is one of the first times that the team that I picked actually won. Nice to see that nice guys don't always finish last. It gives the rest of us hope. Sadly, Ron and Kelly's relationship disintegrated before our eyes and it wasn't pretty.....

Anyways, haven't written much lately but not a lot is new. Joanna, Ryan and Rachel made dinner for Marco and me for Mothers Day. It was really good, not that I would expect anything else. I watched Sin City. It was incredibly violent, however the cinematography made it not so gory as it could have been. Interesting storyline that makes you thing afterward, kind of putting puzzle pieces together to see if they really fit... now I have to watch it again to see if there are cracks in the storyline.....

Anyway, that's about it for now, I will write more on the weekend and catch up on everyone else's life then...

Later kids....
posted by Karen at 11:21 PM [#]


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