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The Libran thought process
Musings from the edge

Tuesday, March 15, 2005
Okay, it's actually coming along.... If I could figure out how to fix that one spot that indents too far, I would be laughing. I redid my homepage as well - that's where the "Home" link goes now. Pretty ingenious huh?

Okay, what's new since last post. Broke the computer twice - boot disk error on startup or some stupid thing... I say stupid cause if you tilt it forward and leave it on an angle, it works fine. Went to see Be Cool with the handsome John Travolta.. I know, it got rotten reviews but I liked it anyway. Watched Anchorman on PPV - Marco's free movie - It was okay, but a little stupid.

All the links are working and Joanna's site is back up now.

The Amazing Race... two weeks behind on the posts for this and I wanted to keep up with it. Oh well, so little time...

Here's my synopsis - Meridith and his wife - why is it that the older people come on this show and say they are going to "outwit" the younger ones, what they don't have in physical strength, they have in intellegence and experience. They then proceed, on the first leg I might add, to get lost going to the airport. And if she says "Dog Gone it" or "Gosh Darn it" once more, I will crack up laughing.

Rob and Amber, I don't like the "celebrity" casting but the first week, they didn't really get on my nerves that much - they saved that for the second week, although I know they are just playing the game. I can't believe the other teams and the amount of trust that is put in Rob and Amber though. People, you know what he's like and yet you continue to band with him. I can't complain about them winning the second leg though. They were the only ones who knew that there was more than one way to stack those books and made it in one trip.

Mother and Son - Does he really need to tell everyone that he's gay? Does it have any more bearing on the game than the POW quietly telling the other team that he was held prisoner and then saying that he didn't want it to get out?

The Beauty Queen and the POW. Now there's a team. Let's see we have 112 books and we need 180 - That's 72 more, right Barbie? I know - "Math is hard". There's a couple who are going to be whining soon.

Let's see, the Kentucky boys are gone, too bad. I really liked the accents and they seemed like they were having a good time. The barbie twins are gone - no great loss there... News flash - If you have long hair and you don't tie it back, it will get in your face as your cab is driving at unsafe speeds.

We need to get out of spanish speaking countries soon. I don't think I have heard "Andelae, andelae," this much since I used to watch Speedy Gonzalez. I think the most irritating part is when the teams complain that the cab drivers don't understand English. Duh, you're in their country. Try learning a little spanish.(other than Andelae, andelae,)... It's not like you didn't know you were going to need it - have you never watched the Race before?

The token black couple - Both laid off from high paying jobs, now trying to make some money to pay the mortgage I think.

So far no Fear Factor eating requirements - that's good.

There are other characters, they just haven't made themselves known yet. I haven't made up my mind about Lynn and Alex yet - they are annoying but not too bad yet.

Anyway, got to go to bed now.... The race is on tomorrow night and I will have to watch for Rob and Amber to screw over the other teams again and have the other teams either not even notice or not care... I think the brothers may be a force to contend with now that there's no chance they're going to be a foursome with the Barbie twins... Time will tell.. Hope Annelieke and Kristine are reading this and give me their impressions....
posted by Karen at 12:55 AM [#]


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