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The Libran thought process
Musings from the edge

Tuesday, February 15, 2005
Valentine's Day, I will admit, is based on peer pressure. Granted, some people really do want to buy their significant other something nice on the day that has been set aside for such purposes, however, 95% do it more because a) they'll be in big trouble if they don't, and the reason for that is because the significant other now will have to explain to all his/her friends why they didn't get anything or b) they work with people who are buying things and asking what you are getting your signicant other. We were discussing this at work today and the fact that there is an underlying "point system" to gifts. Case in point. If a man has two gifts for his wife and gives them both to her in the morning of Valentine's day, is that one point or two? From a man's perspective, it's one point - two gifts but only one giving time. My take on it was that maybe it was worth more than one point because giving them the morning of Valentines day proves that you did not forget. Giving a gift at the end of the day, over dinner could mean that you went out at lunch with the guys cause they were getting something too and you just picked it up then. I went on to explain, from a female point of view, that remembering that red roses are not her favourite flower gains extra points, even if you have to send virtual flowers to get the special ones that she loves. Flowers are not really necessary at all. Extra points are earned if you get something that she can keep on her desk or wear so that she sees it often and is reminded that you are sensible enough to realize that roses on valentines day are a rip off and wanted to get something that will last and means a little more. Sometimes it really is the thought. Anyway, that was the topic of conversation at our office today. That and hot sauce but that's another story. I didn't realize there is a rating system for peppers and still don't understand it....

I was reading Michael's blog and wanted to add to his list of things that would make life more fun. Rachel and I have been going to do this for the last couple of years and as of yet have never gotten around to it. At the beginning of December, purchase a dozen stamps and the same number of Christmas cards. (a dollar store package will do) Go to the phone book and randomly pick our twelve names and addresses. If you use the phone guide, the postal codes are there too. Sign the cards simply with Best wishes for the new year and sign it only with your first name. Do not put a return address on the envelope and send the cards. Unfortunately you will not see the results but it would be fun imagining the affect that the cards have on the recipients. It may be the first Christmas card the person has ever received or it may be the topic of many dinner conversations but all in all, it could just be a feel-good experience.

Ever been stuck in an elevator? I hadn't until Saturday night. Marco and I were going up to my apartment on the 7th floor and the elevator decided that it was going to stop on the 6th floor with the inside door only open about 2 inches and the outside door not open at all. Couple of things that I learned and a couple of suggestions for people who make elevators. First of all, there is no emergency phone in our elevator, just an alarm bell. Note to self and anyone else who gets stuck in this type of elevator. THE ALARM GOES NOWHERE!!!! We came to the conclusion that the purpose of the alarm button is to piss off all the people on the floor your are stuck on until one of them comes out and asks if you're stuck, to which you reply, "No, I was just seeing if the button worked" FOR THE LAST HOUR! They then go and find the superintendant and tell him that you are stuck in the elevator, after which, the super comes up to the floor, bangs on the door and asks if you're stuck. You then confirm to him that you are, and have been for the last hour. He then tells you that he now has to go and call the elevator people, something I would have thought he would have done before he came up to ask if you're stuck. I guess you can't trust the guy who came to your door telling you that some jackass has been ringing the elevator alarm bell for the last hour cause they're stuck. Finally the elevator people come and make some sarcastic remark about how you caused the elevator to become stuck by trying to open the door while it's moving. Hello, I'm a grown-up here. I wouldn't open the door of a moving car, I don't think that I would try to open the door of a moving elevator. And besides, I would think that if this is a building with children, you would safeguard against that possibility, otherwise a lot of people would be getting stuck in the elevator. Kids love to push buttons. They don't care if it's a number or an open door button. Anyway, an hour and a half later, they got us out of the elevator, on the ground floor. I still had to go up to the apartment though, but we took the stairs.

Observations from this experience: You will have to go to the bathroom if you are stuck in an elevator, even if you just went before you got in.
You will not have your cell phone with you, cause it's just a short trip.
You will not have had dinner and you will have no food with you.
There will be some smart-ass/good samaratin that will ask you if you would like them to order you a pizza. Duh, yeah. If you can get it through a closed door, moron, I'd like extra cheese.

Suggestions: You put an emergency broadcast system in my apartment, could you not put a phone in the elevator. All I wanted was some kind of confirmation that you knew I was in there.
If you could make it a video phone, that would be great. After 5 minutes you could give us a code and we could access the compartment that holds the doritos and other food so that we can have a party like we see on tv when people get stuck in an elevator. No beer though, we already have to go to the bathroom. Unless you can make a door open to a port a pottie....
Most importantly: Keep your sense of humour. If you're laughing, you aren't making everyone else crazy and people don't want to hit you.
posted by Karen at 12:11 AM [#]


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