The Libran thought process
Musings from the edge
Wednesday, October 20, 2004
I had a birthday a few days ago. I’ve had many in my lifetime, some better than others but for the most part, most were just regular days. This year seemed different. Mostly because someone very special to me went out of his way to make the day memorable, even if he had to do it the day before. The flowers were perfect, dinner was at a place where I’d never been but if you knew me, you would know instinctively that it was the perfect place and the company was attentive, interesting and captivating all at the same time. The evening was flawless and I will cherish it in my memories forever. There were presents of course, and thoughtful ones at that. Do I like to get presents? Of course. Are they necessary? Not really. The evening could have ended after the dinner and I would have had the perfect evening. On my actual birthday, I got beautiful flowers from a surprise source. Sometimes the little surprises in life catch you off guard and you realize just how you can underestimate people. I think the best birthday gift came today though, when I found out that someone, whose happiness means so much to me, isn’t alone anymore. I know that it may not seem to matter to most people, but for me, even when I move on with my own life, I cannot just leave behind the people who have made me who I am. I need to know that their lives are going on as well and that they are happy, or at least on their way. To those of you who are interested or keep asking, “the boy” as Joanna fondly refers to him is a keeper as far as I am concerned. I haven’t had a lot of interaction with him, but from what I have seen, he’s the kind of boy that a mother likes her daughter to bring home. I’m not sure if that worries me, as Joanna doesn’t have a great track record for having a “nice boy” hold her interest for too long, but I don’t know. This one seems to be different. There’s a definite sparkle in her eyes when she’s with him. Oh well, I guess as a mother, one can only hope….. As for changes in my life, there is one major one. I have a new job. I don’t mention much here as far as my current job, however anyone who works in the call centre industry will realize that four years is a long time to avoid burn out. I have managed to do that so far, only by changing my role in the company itself. I have now been in my current position for over 2 years and I can see things coming full circle. So, on to new adventures and challenges. I know that I will miss the people that I have come to know and care for as family and I hope that the same fate does not befall us that does so many others where you honestly mean to keep in touch, but that never seems to happen. You start out, faithfully trying to continue the friendship but life takes over and soon you are simply “someone they used to know”. It is for this reason that I hope you, KP, do not stop blogging. Sometimes it’s the only means of keeping up with what’s going on in your life and others as well. I still read the blogs faithfully and will continue to do so. I consider a lot of the people that I work with extended family members and care very much about their health and happiness. Speaking of which, I want to say that I am relieved that my neighbour to the north on my blog page is returning to normal, or the normal that I have come to know and love. Many good thoughts were coming your way, whether you knew it or not, and I hope that some of them helped. Karma works in strange ways and you are due some of the good kind, my friend. To those of you who read this, I will continue to write, no matter my place of employment because those of you who have touched my life will remain in my heart. To those of you who I have adopted, I am always here should you need me…. For anything. For now though, I really should be doing something more productive. |