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The Libran thought process
Musings from the edge

Monday, August 09, 2004
An exerpt from a poem that I recently read. Not mine, but there are a few from this book that I will put on my poetry page. The foreward of the book goes something like this:

"…not all poetry lends itself to music – some thoughts need to be sung only against the silence. There are softer and less tangible parts of ourselves that are so essential to open heartedness, to peace, to unfolding the vision and the spiritual realm of our lives, to exposing our souls. Poetry is a passage into those parts of our being where we understand who we have been and where we discover and decide who and what we will be. It makes us intimate with ourselves and others and with the human experience." Jewel Kilcher

The poem like this:

I would walk alone
in the woods and let my mind wander
Freely, stumble across theories
on the origins of myself
and all things.

In nature I knew all things had their place. None supreme,
none insignificant and so
great peace would come to me
as I fit neatly in the folds
between dawn and twilight.
Living in sync with the rhythm
of the earth, eating what
we grew, warming
ourselves by the coal fire, creating
myself in the vast silence that existed
between the wild mountains of Alaska
and our front portch.

I grew to love the
nature of God.
I know Him best not in churches, but
alone with the sun shining on me through the trees

It birthed a space in me that would continue to crave the sacred
and demand sanctity
as my life took flight
posted by Karen at 7:47 AM [#]


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