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Musings from the edge

Sunday, July 11, 2004
Okay, so a couple of days late but here I am.... Just a quick post today though, I'm hoping to be going to the beach. I added a couple of new links to the Life In General Page for anyone who wants to look at baby pictures. Kyle's and Ella's sites are there.

I did not win at poker the other night, but I did manage to hold my own. It was tournament style and I managed to stay in longer than Jay in both and longer than a few in the first game for sure. It was a respectable first showing.

For all of you who don't read her blog and ask me, Joanna is alive and well and SLEEPING IN MY BED right now! She has decided that the call centre life is not for her and is working at the University in administration for now. I think she just wants to be closer to the cute university boys myself... ;)

Anyway, not much more news than that right now, or not that I can think of, so I'm off to make a picnic lunch and then hopefully to the beach, but if not, at least to the park....

Have a fun day kids...

posted by Karen at 9:47 AM [#]


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